The logging situation with Java is a bit complicated. Any application you write is going to have a framework and a bunch of libraries and they all write to loggers and different jars may use different loggers. I don't know about Node, maybe there everybody logs to stdout? That's not the case in Java land.
Because of that. even if for your own code you are ok with writing directly to stdout (with System.out.println), if you want all the logged info from your code and from all the other jars to go to the same place, you have to deal with loggers.
So you might as well use loggers for your own code too and keep things consistent. It's not just about how to log your own output, it's how to capture the log output from all parts of the application and make sure it's going to the right place and has the granularity that you need.
Spring-boot provides a logging library for you to use by default, called logback. If you don't set up any appenders it will default to writing to the console. Your code doesn't use logback directly, it uses a facade called slf4j. Which sounds absurd I know because we've added 2 libraries just to do what System.out.println does already, but slf4j helps by providing adapters so that if a 3rd party jar uses log4j2 or java.util.logging then it can redirect the output to slf4j and from there to logback, making sure you get a unified view of all the logs from the application, and also giving you a way to configure what level of logging you want to see for the different parts of the application. That's something you don't get with writing to System.out.
2018-02-17 13:51:10.916 DEBUG 31564 --- [ restartedMain] o.s.w.c.s.StandardServletEnvironment : Adding PropertySource 'servletConfigInitParams' with lowest search precedence
– Shelbashelbi