I want to create a schema for a ACL; however, I'm torn between a couple of ways of implementing it.
I am pretty sure I don't want to deal with cascading permissions as that leads to a lot of confusion on the backend and for site administrators.
I think I can also live with users only being in one role at a time. A setup like this will allow roles and permissions to be added as needed as the site grows without affecting existing roles/rules.
At first I was going to normalize the data and have three tables to represent the relations.
ROLES { id, name }
RESOURCES { id, name }
PERMISSIONS { id, role_id, resource_id }
A query to figure out whether a user was allowed somewhere would look like this:
SELECT id FROM resources WHERE name = ?
SELECT * FROM permissions WHERE role_id = ? AND resource_id = ? ($user_role_id, $resource->id)
Then I realized that I will only have about 20 resources, each with up to 5 actions (create, update, view, etc..) and perhaps another 8 roles. This means that I can exercise blatant disregard for data normalization as I will never have more than a couple of hundred possible records.
So perhaps a schema like this would make more sense.
ROLES { id, name }
PERMISSIONS { id, role_id, resource_name }
which would allow me to lookup records in a single query
SELECT * FROM permissions WHERE role_id = ? AND permission = ? ($user_role_id, 'post.update')
So which of these is more correct? Are there other schema layouts for ACL?
. – Subminiature