I didn't succeed to find the complete guidelines for this issue that's why I decided to invest some time and to describe all steps of the process from A to Z.
I will be observing an example where we will need to pass through transaction ids and in each iteration to change query param for next transaction id from the list.
Step 1. Prepare your request
https://some url/{{queryParam}}
- Add {{queryParam}} variable for changing it from pre-request script.
- If you need a token for request you should add it here, in Authorization tab.
- Save request to collection (Save button in the right corner). For demonstration purpose I will use "Transactions Request" name. We will need to use this name later on.
Step 2. Prepare pre-request script
In postman use tab Pre-request Script to change transactionId variable from query param to actual transaction id.
let ids = pm.collectionVariables.get("TransactionIds");
ids = JSON.parse(ids);
const id = ids.shift();
console.log('id', id)
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("transactionId", id);
pm.collectionVariables.set("TransactionIds", JSON.stringify(ids));
pm.collectionVariables.get - gets array of transaction ids from collection variables. We will set it up in Step 4.
ids.shift() - we use it to remove id that we will use from our ids list (to prevent running twice on the same id)
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("transactionId", id) - change transaction id from query param to actual transaction id
pm.collectionVariables.set("TransactionIds", JSON.stringify(ids)) - we are setting up a new collection of variables that now does not include the id that was handled.
Step 3. Prepare Tests
In postman use tab Tests to create a loop logic. Tests will be executed after the request execution, so we can use it to make next request.
let ids = pm.collectionVariables.get("TransactionIds");
ids = JSON.parse(ids);
if (ids && ids.length > 0){
console.log('length', ids.length);
postman.setNextRequest("Transactions Request");
} else {
postman.setNextRequest("Transactions Request") - calls a new request, in this case it will call the "Transactions Request" request
Step 4. Run Collections
In Postman from the left side bar you should choose Collections (click on it) and then choose a tab Variables.
This is the collection variables. In our example we used TransactionIds as a variable, so put in Current Value the array of transaction ids on which you want to loop.
Now you can click on Run (the button from right corner, near Save button) to run our loop requests.
You will be proposed to choose on which request you want to perform an action. Choose the request that we’ve created "Transactions Request".
It will run our request with pre-request script and with logic that we’ve set in Tests. In the end postman will open a new window with summary of our run.