I was reading many articles to find the best Rest Client for java application, I found finally using Jersey with Apache HTTP client 4.5 is great but in a lot of articles I found that now Retrofit is the best (I didn't mention Volley because in my case I don't need that the API supports caching.
Does Retrofit is better for a java client application. or is it just better for android? and why I didn't find this comparison before .. they cannot be compared?
Can I have a comparison between their performance, connection pooling, on which layer do they work, compression of the requests and responses, Timeout, de-serialization?
HTTP3 does not support connection pooling, is that why retrofit is used usually for android ?? so It will not be practical for a normal java application where it will cause connection leak.
My target is to find the best Rest API client with a high performance, and support high number of connections.
Thank you in advance