So the issue is rather something I caused myself by accident. I was trying to sync two of my computers, a Mac and a Linux. I wanted to sync the Mac to the Linux so I connected my GitHub account to my Mac vs-code when a pop-up displayed that gave two options like "Replace" and "Merge". I wanted to merge the sync but I accidentally hit Replace when all the Settings on my Mac vs-code was replaced.
What errors do you see?
And one thing I noticed is that every time I open the terminal it takes me to a path that was defined in my Linux instead of starting at default or $PATH.
What's the environment and are there recent changes?
Local, I haven't noticed changes except for the starting path in my VS-code terminal.
What have you tried to troubleshoot this?
I did try and I stumbled upon the fact that I can change the terminal's default path in the settings or even in settings.json but I didn't want to cause more problems by overriding any default settings. I also noticed that my Mac vs-code basically just took every setting in my Linux vs-code. Also, only the terminal in my vs-code was impacted the default terminal on my Mac displayed ~ on login.
And because this was annoying me I basically went on and just added cd ~ to my ~/.zsh_profile so that it just brings me back to ~ but I believe that the Linux settings still have an influence over my Mac vs-code settings and I just want to reverse this. Is there any way I can get back my old configuration? If so how can I do this? Can Github possibly have my old configurations? or is there a reset that I can do that will take me to the very first settings?