I could not really find what I was looking for, so I took ideas from this page and other pages around the net and came up with this. Hopefully others will find it useful as well.
function iOS_version() {
if(navigator.userAgent.match(/ipad|iphone|ipod/i)){ //if the current device is an iDevice
var ios_info ={};
ios_info.As_Reported=(navigator.userAgent).match(/OS (\d)?\d_\d(_\d)?/i)[0];
ios_info.Major_Release=(navigator.userAgent).match(/OS (\d)?\d_\d(_\d)?/i)[0].split('_')[0];
ios_info.Full_Release=(navigator.userAgent).match(/OS (\d)?\d_\d(_\d)?/i)[0].replace(/_/g,".");
ios_info.Major_Release_Numeric=+(navigator.userAgent).match(/OS (\d)?\d_\d(_\d)?/i)[0].split('_')[0].replace("OS ","");
ios_info.Full_Release_Numeric=+(navigator.userAgent).match(/OS (\d)?\d_\d(_\d)?/i)[0].replace("_",".").replace("_","").replace("OS ",""); //converts versions like 4.3.3 to numeric value 4.33 for ease of numeric comparisons
It allows you to get the major release and full release number either as a string or as a number for iOS.
Example User Agent String:
Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_1_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/10B329
var iOS=iOS_version();
console.log(iOS.Full_Release); //returns values in form of "OS 6.1.3"
console.log(iOS.Full_Release_Numeric); //returns values in form of 6.13
//useful for comparisons like if(iOS.Full_Release_Numeric >6.2)
console.log(iOS.Major_Release); //returns values in form of "OS 6"
console.log(iOS.Major_Release_Numeric); //returns values in form of 6
//useful for comparisons like if(iOS.Major_Release_Numeric >7)
console.log(iOS.As_Reported); //returns values in form of "OS 6_1_3"
console.log(iOS.User_Agent); //returns the full user agent string
In the case of the original question on this page, you could use this code in the following manner:
var iOS=iOS_version();
$(document).bind("scroll", function() {
if(iOS){if(iOS.Major_Release_Numeric <5) {}
else {changeFooterPosition();}