I just keep this there, because top rated answers are not clear.
This is simple test with not usual class based on Enum.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys, inspect
from enum import Enum
class my_enum(Enum):
"""Enum base class my_enum"""
M_ONE = -1
ZERO = 0
ONE = 1
TWO = 2
def is_natural(self):
return (self.value > 0)
def is_negative(self):
return (self.value < 0)
def is_clean_name(name):
return not name.startswith('_') and not name.endswith('_')
def clean_names(lst):
return [ n for n in lst if is_clean_name(n) ]
def get_items(cls,lst):
res = [ getattr(cls,n) for n in lst ]
except Exception as e:
res = (Exception, type(e), e)
return res
print( sys.version )
dir_res = clean_names( dir(my_enum) )
inspect_res = clean_names( [ x[0] for x in inspect.getmembers(my_enum) ] )
dict_res = clean_names( my_enum.__dict__.keys() )
print( '## names ##' )
print( dir_res )
print( inspect_res )
print( dict_res )
print( '## items ##' )
print( get_items(my_enum,dir_res) )
print( get_items(my_enum,inspect_res) )
print( get_items(my_enum,dict_res) )
And this is output results.
3.7.7 (default, Mar 10 2020, 13:18:53)
[GCC 9.2.1 20200306]
## names ##
['M_ONE', 'ONE', 'THREE', 'TWO', 'ZERO']
['M_ONE', 'ONE', 'THREE', 'TWO', 'ZERO', 'name', 'value']
['is_natural', 'is_negative', 'M_ONE', 'ZERO', 'ONE', 'TWO', 'THREE']
## items ##
[<my_enum.M_ONE: -1>, <my_enum.ONE: 1>, <my_enum.THREE: 3>, <my_enum.TWO: 2>, <my_enum.ZERO: 0>]
(<class 'Exception'>, <class 'AttributeError'>, AttributeError('name'))
[<function my_enum.is_natural at 0xb78a1fa4>, <function my_enum.is_negative at 0xb78ae854>, <my_enum.M_ONE: -1>, <my_enum.ZERO: 0>, <my_enum.ONE: 1>, <my_enum.TWO: 2>, <my_enum.THREE: 3>]
So what we have:
provide not complete data
provide not complete data and provide internal keys that are not accessible with getattr()
provide complete and reliable result
Why are votes so erroneous? And where i'm wrong? And where wrong other people which answers have so low votes?