I can't seem to find this question anywhere on Google (or StackOverflow), which really surprised me, so I'm putting it on here to help others in the same situation.
I have a SQL query which runs fine on Oracle Sql Developer, but when I run it through C#
to get the results, I get Specified cast is not valid
errors (System.InvalidCastException
Here is cut-down version of the C# code:
var resultsTable = new DataTable();
using (var adapter = new OracleDataAdapter(cmd))
var rows = adapter.Fill(resultsTable); // exception thrown here, but sql runs fine on Sql Dev
return resultsTable;
And here is a simplified version of the SQL:
SELECT acct_no, market_value/mv_total
FROM myTable
WHERE NVL(market_value, 0) != 0
AND NVL(mv_total, 0) != 0
If I remove the division clause, it doesn't error - so it's specific to that. However, both market_value and mv_total
are of type Number(19,4) and I can see that the Oracle adapter is expecting a decimal, so what cast is taking place? Why does it work on SqlDev but not in C#?