I have a div with a string of content in it. The content is not stored in a variable and I would like to remove the last character of the text in this div. Any help please?
More info:
I have a text field, and upon entering text into the text field, the text appears in a div in large writing. When the user hits the back-space key, I want the last character in the div to be deleted. I am mainly using jQuery to achieve this. Here is my code:
$("#theInput").focus(); //theInput is the text field
$('#theInput').on('keypress', printKeyPress);
function printKeyPress(event)
//#mainn is the div to hold the text
if(event.keyCode ==8) //if backspace key, do below
$('#mainn').empty(); //my issue is located here...I think
I have attempted $('#mainn').text.slice(0,-1);
I have also tried storing the value of #theInput in a variable and then printing it, but that didn't work. Any ideas ?