ReferenceError is a Node error. Meteor is a framework on top of Node.
Node has a global scope (aka Node's global
variable). This error is thrown by Node (not Meteor) if you try to access an undefined global variable.
Browsers also have a global scope called window
, and do not throw ReferenceErrors when undefined variables are accessed.
Here's a pattern I like for adding functionality to a class (it's very Meteor):
/lib/Helpers.js <-- Helpers for everyone (node+browser)
/server/Helpers.js <-- Server helpers (node)
/client/Helpers.js <-- Client helpers (browser)
Consider these implementations:
// /lib/Helpers.js
Helpers = {/* functions */}; // Assigned to window.Helpers and global.Helpers
// /server/Helpers.js
Helpers = _.extend(Helpers, {/*more functions*/}
// /client/Helpers.js
Helpers = _.extend(Helpers, {/*more functions*/}
This is a trivial example. What if I didn't want to worry about load order? Why not _.extend() in /lib/Helpers.js?
// /lib/Helpers.js
// Helpers = {/* functions */}; // Overwrites...
Helpers = _.extend(Helpers, {/* functions */}); // ReferenceError
Because you'll get a ReferenceError from Node if Helpers isn't defined - specifically the "Helpers" used as an argument. (Node knows to assign Helpers as global.Helpers).
Here are two ways to "fix" this:
1) Assign Helpers to something
// /lib/Helpers.js
// Helpers = Helpers || {} // would be another ReferenceError
if (typeof Helpers === 'undefined') Helpers = {};
Helpers = _.extend(Helpers, {/* functions */});
2) Use helpers from the global
// /lib/Helpers.js
Helpers = _.extend(global.Helpers, {/* functions */}); // works in node, but...
Both of which suck.
1)'s syntax is horrible.
2) works in node, but there is no global in browsers. So it fails it's purpose.
So I gave up and went back to overwriting it the first time in lib, and looking for runtime errors if anything was overwritten.
If you have a handy cross-browser syntax for this, do comment :-)
var something = something || {}
something.blah = foo;
Here's some other JS shorthand tips.
a global variable? do you load it usingrequire
? maybe you need to show us more code because as the code is written there should be no issues – Unvalued