Since you wanted a random UUID, you want to use Type 4 instead of Type 1:
python -c 'import uuid; print str(uuid.uuid4())'
This Wikipedia article explains the different types of UUIDs. You want "Type 4 (Random)".
I wrote a little Bash function using Python to generate an arbitrary number of Type 4 UUIDs in bulk:
# uuid [count]
# Generate type 4 (random) UUID, or [count] type 4 UUIDs.
function uuid()
local count=1
if [[ ! -z "$1" ]]; then
if [[ "$1" =~ [^0-9] ]]; then
echo "Usage: $FUNCNAME [count]" >&2
return 1
python -c 'import uuid; print("\n".join([str(uuid.uuid4()).upper() for x in range('"$count"')]))'
If you prefer lowercase, change:
python -c 'import uuid; print("\n".join([str(uuid.uuid4()).upper() for x in range('"$count"')]))'
python -c 'import uuid; print("\n".join([str(uuid.uuid4()) for x in range('"$count"')]))'