This command worked for me in removing documentation installed by install.
rm -r "$(gem env gemdir)"/doc/*
Here's another way to go about it;
To locate the folder where gems are installed on your system, simply run the following on terminal or shell
gem env home
This will display an output like
You can then locate the docs folder and delete all the documentations that you find there for each gem in a ruby version
I also want to add this too to the answers provided,
if want to prevent gems from generating documentation during installation, then turn off local documentation generation by creating a file called ~/.gemrc which contains a configuration setting to turn off this feature:
Simply run this code in your terminal or shell
printf "install: --no-rdoc --no-ri\nupdate: --no-rdoc --no-ri\n" >> ~/.gemrc
echo "gem: --no-document" > ~/.gemrc
This will prevent gems from generating documentation during installation, saving you the stress of deleting/removing gem documentations on your system later.
That's all
I hope this helps.