Another important difference between shared_ptr and scoped_ptr is that only shared_ptr work with weak_ptr. Weak pointers are used to break cycles of shared pointers, thereby avoiding memory leaks, but weak_ptr can be used for more than that.
Shared and weak pointers may be used to express the difference between owning and non-owning references. Unambiguous ownership of data leads to a cleaner design, so when possible data objects should be owned by one other object through a shared_ptr. All other long-lived references to data objects should be weak pointers, expressing their non-ownership of the data. Each time any non-owning modules access the data, they need to convert the weak_ptr into a shared_ptr, at which point they may find that the data object no longer exists. However, while the non-owning modules access the data object, they hold it through transient shared_ptr, ensuring safe operation even if the owning object were to release the data.