It is frequently asked – but I haven’t seen a good answer yet (and I looked). If you set a background image in CSS to a table row- the image will repeat itself in every cell. If you set the position: relative
(for the row) and set the background-image: none
(for the cells) it solves the problem on IE but not on chrome! I can't use background positioning since there are many calls and their size varies. (And the picture is not symmetrical- It's a fade out from one side. Anybody??
Example for the css code :
tr { height: 30px; position:relative;} { background: url('green_30.png') no-repeat left top; } { background: url('oranger_30.png') no-repeat left top;} { background: url('red_30.png') no-repeat left top; }
td { background-image: none; }
The HTML is basic - A multi cell table.
The goal is to have different colors fade into every row, but it could be any non-pattern image.