I believe that there is a little misconception in the question. What is missing is the purpose that you need of the POST instead of GET.
If you admit I will make few assumptions that could be common in this context:
- You need to hide the actual variables from history
- You Need some interaction with server before user gets control
- You cannot control the server itself and it uses (on purpose) POST requests
Any of those options or requirements implies some additional processing that is distinct from usual browser use case (which is to give full control over the processing and interaction). It seems that you are actually asking for Machine to Machine (M2M) communication with eventual HTML output.
If that renders to be true, then using some OKHttp, HTTPURLConnection, Apache HTTP Client, etc. is the right choice. Rather then invoking the browser via Intent, that has close to zero messaging capabilities (just fire and forget - in case of http:...). It actually requires some analysis of the data flow (sequence diagram might help) and then engineering of that process into M2M or assisted M2M interaction.
If the server you are using to interact with is your own, then why you do not create some REST/JSON/SOAP or other M2M API to make remote method calls (RPC/RMI/...). It is not that complex as it might look (e.g.: http://coreymaynard.com/blog/creating-a-restful-api-with-php/ or https://docs.phalconphp.com/pt/latest/reference/tutorial-rest.html)
Alternative would be to make your M2M interaction rather on your APP server, because then the eventual changes to the BE server data flow could be reflected without app change. By this you would be actually shifting the M2M communication partially to server side.
Note: Using application to interact with 3rd party servers might have some legal implications. In fact those server might not allow other use than through browser (human detection = captcha, User-Agent detection). In such case you have to negotiate with the server owner.