I want to make a part of the labels in chartJS bold. I've been looking in the documentation but I cant find of any way. I hope there is someone who can help me out if it is possible at all. :) Below is a picture of how I want it to work. (its made in photoshop)
So I want to make the "bar total", "bar 1", "bar 2", "bar 3" and "bar 4" bold so the difference with the hours is more clear.
The labels are set in my code like this:
labels: [["bar total", "150 hour"], ["bar 1", "70 hour"], ["bar 2", "30 hour"], ["bar 3", "40 hour"], ["bar 4", "10 hour"]],
Iam using ChartJS version 2.3.0.
Any ideas?
Friday 11/03
is bold where11/03
is not. From what I have read, the only way to achieve this is to generate the labels manually and handle the logic ourselves. Also @Deja, please read the question and diagram carefully. @Mockingbird is clearly requesting partial boldness of text. – Harmonia