I have a file that has been transpiled from ES6 to ES5 using Babel. I have sourcemap. I am assuming I can restore the original file (the way it looked when written in ES6) using these resources.
How is it done?
Is there a CLI tool to do this?
I have a file that has been transpiled from ES6 to ES5 using Babel. I have sourcemap. I am assuming I can restore the original file (the way it looked when written in ES6) using these resources.
How is it done?
Is there a CLI tool to do this?
Open up the source map in a text editor, and you’ll see that it’s mostly just a simple JSON object. The “sources” field contains an array of URLs/paths to all source files, which can help you to find them. There is also an optional “sourcesContent” field, which also is an array, where each item contains the contents of the file at the same index in the “sources” array; if so, you could find the original code right in the source map.
A CLI tool? Well, there’s source-map-visualize which tries to find all original sources and pre-loads them into this online source map visualization.
package for this task. JSON.parse(map).sourcesContent[0]
would do the same thing. –
Lastex There's a nice web service to do that: http://sokra.github.io/source-map-visualization/
fileThere might be a lot of noise from webpack:///node_modules/
modules that you're probably not interested in. You can try to find the I found that simply searching for webpack:///src
usually brings up the actual source code within the whole snippet.
Very simple NodeJS implementation which I wrote for my needs.
const fs = require('fs');
const { SourceMapConsumer } = require("source-map");
fs.readFile('./example.js', 'utf8' , (err, data) => {
if (err) return console.error(err);
const sourceMapData = data.split('//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,')[1];
let buff = new Buffer.from(sourceMapData, 'base64');
let rawSourceMap = buff.toString('ascii');
const parsed = SourceMapConsumer(rawSourceMap);
fs.writeFile('example.ts', parsed.sourcesContent, function (err) {
if (err) return console.log(err);
i wrote a script as well that came handy to me. I'll share it here it might come handy to someone
this script assumes that the .map.(js|css)
has a structure like
"version": 3,
"file": "static/js/15.80b7f5e4.chunk.js",
"mappings": "iOAkCA,UAzBqB",
"sources": [
"sourcesContent": [
"content of the file"
"names": [
"sourceRoot": ""
thou i didn't make use of names
and mapping
entry on the map file i just mapped sources
with sourceContent
and recreated the file structure.
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
function parseIfMap(filePath, content) {
console.log("working on:", filePath);
if (filePath.includes(".map")) {
const jsonContent = JSON.parse(content);
jsonContent.sources.forEach(function (value, index) {
const parsed = path.parse(value);
if (parsed.dir) {
fs.mkdirSync(parsed.dir, { recursive: true });
(path) => path && console.log(value, path)
function readFiles(dirname, onError) {
fs.readdir(dirname, function (err, filenames) {
if (err) {
onError(dirname, err);
filenames.forEach(function (filename) {
const filePath = dirname + path.sep + filename;
if (fs.lstatSync(filePath).isFile()) {
fs.readFile(filePath, "utf-8", function (err, content) {
if (err) {
parseIfMap(filePath, content);
} else {
readFiles(filePath, parseIfMap, onError);
// change with you own file path
readFiles("static", console.log);
working on: /root/app/service.js.map /root/index.js:15 jsonContent.sourcesContent[index], ^
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0') at /root/index.js:15:35
` at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)` ` at parseIfMap (/root/index.js:8:25)` ` at /root/index.js:36:11 at FSReqCallback.readFileAfterClose [as oncomplete] (node:internal/fs/read_file_context:68:3)
Zulemazullo © 2022 - 2024 — McMap. All rights reserved.
package, github.com/mozilla/source-map/#consuming-a-source-map, e.g.sourcemap.SourceMapConsumer(map).sourcesContent[0]
. Consider adding that to your answer . – Wills