I have a situation where a notify() 'can' be called before a wait().
I am trying to make a simulator to schedule its next event when I 'notify' him by sending him messages. So I have devised a wait->notify->scedule chain
void Broker::pause()
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(m_pause_mutex);
std::cout << "pausing the simulation" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Simulation UNpaused" << std::endl;
// the following line causes the current function to be called at
// a later time, and a notify() can happen before the current function
// is called again
Simulator::Schedule(MilliSeconds(xxx), &Broker::pause, this);
void Broker::messageReceiveCallback(std::string message) {
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(m_pause_mutex);
the problem here is that: there can be situations that a notify() is called before its wait() is called.
Is there a solution for such situation? thank you
notify_one ( )
queue? – Hyoscyamine