I intended to use a tween node to animate the "text" property of a label (Gif above to illustrate the effect I want. Not actually related to me or my project), however I get an error reading _calc_delta_val: Invalid parameter type. Supported types are: bool, int, float, Vector2, Rect2, Vector3, Transform2D, Quat, AABB, Basis, Transform, Color.
I have the felling that this should be possible and I'm just missing on something. But if it's just not possible then what could be the alternative?
Here's the code if needed:
func print_message(message: String, time: float = 2):
Tween.interpolate_property(self, "text", "", message, time, Tween.TRANS_QUAD, Tween.EASE_OUT)
I'm currently using godot version 3.5.1 stable.
Thanks in advance.