Is there a way to move files with
Example: user1/public/image.jpg to user1/private/image.jpg
Is there a way to move files with
Example: user1/public/image.jpg to user1/private/image.jpg
There is no such way to move to other location, rather you can download and then put it to other reference and deleting the previous location.
Since Firebase Storage is backed by Google Cloud Storage, you can use GCS's rewrite
API (docs) or gsutil mv
Also, an example of move
(docs) in GCloud Node follows:
var bucket = gcs.bucket('my-bucket');
var file = bucket.file('my-image.png');
var newLocation = 'gs://another-bucket/my-image-new.png';
file.move(newLocation, function(err, destinationFile, apiResponse) {
// `my-bucket` no longer contains:
// - "my-image.png"
// `another-bucket` now contains:
// - "my-image-new.png"
// `destinationFile` is an instance of a File object that refers to your
// new file.
There is no such way to move to other location, rather you can download and then put it to other reference and deleting the previous location.
As of March 29, 2022 it is possible to call the "move" function directly in this way:
import * as functions from "firebase-functions";
import {getStorage} from "firebase-admin/storage";
export const triggerStorage = functions
.onFinalize(async (object) => {
const bucket = getStorage().bucket(object.bucket);
const destPath = "user1/private/image.jpg";
await bucket.file(;
I wrote a JavaScript function that accomplishes this using only the firebase storage API.
Happy Coding!
* Moves a file in firebase storage from its current location to the destination
* returns the status object for the moved file.
* @param {String} currentPath The path to the existing file from storage root
* @param {String} destinationPath The desired pathe for the existing file after storage
function moveFirebaseFile(currentPath, destinationPath) {
let oldRef = storage.ref().child(currentPath)
oldRef.getDownloadURL().then(url => {
fetch(url).then(htmlReturn => {
let fileArray = new Uint8Array()
const reader = htmlReturn.body.getReader()
//get the reader that reads the readable stream of data
.then(function appendStreamChunk({ done, value }) {
//If the reader doesn't return "done = true" append the chunk that was returned to us
// rinse and repeat until it is done.
if (value) {
fileArray = mergeTypedArrays(fileArray, value)
if (done) {
return fileArray
} else {
// "Readout not complete, reading next chunk"
.then(file => {
//Write the file to the new storage place
let status = storage
//Remove the old reference
return status
, object destructuring, etc.) –
Institutionalize One thing you might stumble upon when using the other answers - when downloading the file it will have the file name of the old, copied file.
To fix that issue you need to change the contentDisposition metadata of the file.
let metadata = {
// Here predefined key/value
contentDisposition: "inline; filename=yourfilename.txt",
metadata: {
// Not here! custom key/value
To see the full predefined metadata properties:
In Google Cloud Console > Cloud Storage > Bucket > > Transfer Data IN/OUT (Options: Choose a source > Filter by Prefix > Exclude/Include file/folder to be moved, for example if you want to move all the files from the bucket in the folder Users, you want to exclude the folder "Users/")
You can also opt in for the data to be deleted after move in Choose Settings
Click Create and its done, it will take a few minutes if you have alot of files
await bucket.file(filePath).move();
The move method does nothing but simply copy and delete. The error message will indicate what operation has failed.
ref: doc
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