I am attempting to write a C extension for python. With the code (below) I get the compiler warning:
implicit declaration of function ‘Py_InitModule’
And it fails at run time with this error:
undefined symbol: Py_InitModule
I have spent literally hours searching for a solution with no joy. I have tried multiple minor changes to syntax, I even found a post suggesting the method has been deprecated. However I find no replacement.
Here is the code:
#include <Python.h>
//a func to calc fib numbers
int cFib(int n)
if (n<2) return n;
return cFib(n-1) + cFib(n-2);
static PyObject* fib(PyObject* self,PyObject* args)
int n;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"i",&n))
return NULL;
return Py_BuildValue("i",cFib(n));
static PyMethodDef module_methods[] = {
{"fib",(PyCFunction) fib, METH_VARARGS,"calculates the fibonachi number"},
PyMODINIT_FUNC initcModPyDem(void)
Py_InitModule("cModPyDem",module_methods,"a module");
If it helps here is my setup.py :
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
module = Extension('cModPyDem', sources=['cModPyDem.c'])
setup(name = 'packagename',
description = 'a test package',
ext_modules = [module])
And the test code in test.py :
import cModPyDem
if __name__ == '__main__' :
Any help would be much, much appreciated.