Chapter 13. Transactions and Concurrency
Use a single database transaction to serve the clients request, starting and committing it when you open and close the Session. The relationship between the two is one-to-one and this model is a perfect fit for many applications.
It seemed we should always obey the "one-to-one relationship" rule.
But, although the sample below will trigger a exception in the line where the second "session.beginTransaction()" is called
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Session/EntityManager is closed
private static void saveEmployees(SessionFactory factory) {
// crate session
//Session session = factory.openSession();
Session session = factory.getCurrentSession();
// start a transaction
Transaction trans = session.beginTransaction();
// create an employee
Employee tempEmployee = new Employee("Steve","Rogers", "The Avengers");
// save to database;
// commit the transaction
// start a transaction
Transaction trans = session.beginTransaction();
// create an employee
Employee tempEmployee = new Employee("Tony","Stark", "The Avengers");
// save to database;
// commit the transaction
// close session
, another sample below will work properly.
The only difference is that the second sample uses "factory.openSession()" to get a session, instead of "factory.getCurrentSession()".
private static void saveEmployees(SessionFactory factory) {
// crate session
Session session = factory.openSession();
//Session session = factory.getCurrentSession();
// start a transaction
Transaction trans = session.beginTransaction();
// create an employee
Employee tempEmployee = new Employee("Steve","Rogers", "The Avengers");
// save to database;
// commit the transaction
// start a transaction
Transaction trans = session.beginTransaction();
// create an employee
Employee tempEmployee = new Employee("Tony","Stark", "The Avengers");
// save to database;
// commit the transaction
// close session
I am a starter, and I don't know why "factory.getCurrentSession()" works differently from "factory.openSession()", yet.