for periodic task I am using work manager as:
PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder wifiWorkBuilder =
new PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder(FileUpload.class, 15,
.setConstraints(new Constraints.Builder().setRequiredNetworkType(NetworkType.METERED).build());
PeriodicWorkRequest wifiWork =;
WorkManager.getInstance().enqueueUniquePeriodicWork("wifiJob", ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy.REPLACE, wifiWork);
I have one activity in that activity one check box is there if user unselect checkbox then I want to stop this job. So I am stopping job like:
But after stopping job also my task is executing. Previously I thought might be next job will be executed and after that it will stop but in last 1 hour it executed 4 times and still job is running in background. What is other way or correct way to stop job.
as per Docs:
Cancels all unfinished work with the given tag. Note that cancellation is a best-effort policy and work that is already executing may continue to run.
What is the meaning of this - cancellation is a best-effort policy and work that is already executing may continue to run. So what is the correct way to stop this
I am using version implementation ""
Thanks in advance
cancelUniqueWork(String workName)
exists! :) – Eagle