The main folder in it is ffmpeg.exe, the Your_files folder and the Result folder.
In the Your_files folder, upload a series of images.
Bat file will sort them in the order of the queue by name.
The finished video will be in the Result folder.
echo off
color a
set a="Your_files\*.jpg"
set b="Result\video.mp4"
set c=ffmpeg
set f=-c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -r 30 -crf 20
set tmp="Result\list.tmp"
for %%f in (%a%) do (@echo file 'file:%cd%\%%f' >> %tmp%)
%c% -y -f concat -safe 0 -i %tmp% %f% %b%
cd /d Result
del /f /q list.tmp
-c:v libx264 - We will encode in the MP4 format with the x264 codec.
-loglevel 16 – Show all errors, including ones which can be recovered from.
-r 30 – FPS frame rate. It takes effect after all filtering, but before encoding the video stream.
-crf 20 – Constant Rate Factor (CRF) is a quality setting (and rate control). values from 0 to 51, where lower values will result in better quality at the expense of higher file sizes. Higher values mean more compression, but at some point you will notice quality degradation. The default is 23.