What is the best way to get diskspace information with ruby. I would prefer a pure ruby solution. If not possible (even with additional gems), it could also use any command available in a standard ubuntu desktop installation to parse the information into ruby.
You could use the sys-filesystem gem (cross platform friendly)
require 'sys/filesystem'
stat = Sys::Filesystem.stat("/")
mb_available = stat.block_size * stat.blocks_available / 1024 / 1024
How about simply:
spaceMb_i = `df -m /dev/sda1`.split(/\b/)[24].to_i
where '/dev/sda1' is the path, determined by simply running df
bytes_free = `df -B1 .`.split[10].to_i
Littlest (Ruby) Daniel Berger maintains a lot of gems in this field. To be found there: sys-cpu, sys-uptime, sys-uname, sys-proctable, sys-host, sys-admin, sys-filesystem. They are (AFAIK) multi-platform.
Hi i have created gem for that: https://github.com/pr0d1r2/free_disk_space
You can use it by:
gem 'free_disk_space' # add line to Gemfile
Inside code use methods:
This is an extension to dkams answer which is not wrong, but calculated the complete space of ones drive, to check for the remaining usable .i.e. the FREE space on a drive substitute kdams secodn line with the following:
gb_available = stat.bytes_free / 1024 / 1024 / 1024
This will return the remaining free space on your drive in Gigs.
1024 / 1024 / 1024
where it goes from byte, megabyte, gigabyte. Which seeing bytes_free
should have been a dead give away. mb_available
is because this is the standard way to display any amount of data unless of course its below 1 mb. Although with the params you have control of how you want it (KB, MB, GB). –
Undistinguished bytes_free
returns bytes (which it does), and then we divide it by 1024 three times we get: bytes -> kilobytes -> megabytes -> gigabytes. So @zachaysan's question is why the variable is named mb_available
instead of the more accurate gb_available
. –
Astute Kilobyte (KB) 1,024 Bytes Megabyte (MB) 1,024 Kilobytes
Starts in bytes: 1024 BYTES; 1024 KILOBYTES; 1024 MEGABYTES
Where the resulting value would be less than needed to move up into 1024 GIGABYTES
values. –
Undistinguished mb_available
to contain a number that represents the number of megabytes available, and I would expect a variable called gb_available
to contain a number that represents the number of gigabytes available. But in the answer above, we have "gigabytes available" stored in a variable which has a name that implies it's actually storing "megabytes available" - this is misleading and should be avoided. –
Astute Similar to comment rogerdpack's comment to get the space free in GB / MB you may try following
# Get free space in Gb in present partition
gb_free = `df -BG .`.split[10].to_i
# Get free space in MB in /dev/sda1 partition
mb_free = `df -BM /dev/sda1`.split[10].to_i
puts gb_free, mb_free
) about? –
Diamond This works only on a Linux system: If you don't mind calling out to the shell, you can use df
for a filesystem and parse the output with a Regexp:
fs_to_check = '/boot'
df_output = `df #{fs_to_check}`
disk_line = df_output.split(/\n/)[1]
disk_free_bytes = disk_line.match(/(.+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+/)[4].to_i
disk_free_mbs = disk_free_bytes / 1024
def check_disk_space
system('df -H | grep debug > ff')
ss = File.open('ff').read.split(/\s+/)
system('rm ff')
Used under ubuntu, to check debugs size,put the available size as output.
I believe this is more robust.
filesystem = "/dev/sda1"
free_megabytes = `LANG=C df -m #{filesystem}`.split("\n").map do |line|
My gem-free solution (linux only):
storage_info = `df -h | grep "sda1" -w`
# storage_info => "/dev/sda1 39G 27G 12G 70% /"
then depending on the exact info you may need (total space, used space, free space, used space in percentage) you could do:
free_space = storage_info.split(" ")[3]
# free_space => "12G"
A gem free solution, answer in bytes:
(File.exists?('C:\\') ? `dir /-C`.match(/(\d+) bytes free/) : `df .`.match(/(\d+)\s*\d*%/)).captures[0].to_i
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