You can detect it at runtime with the aforementioned GetCurrentMethod call. But, that'd seem to be a bit of a waste[1]. The easiest thing to do would to just ILDASM the MSIL and check there.
Note that this is specifically for the compiler inlining the call, and is covered in the various Reflection docs on MSDN.
If the method that calls the GetCallingAssembly method is expanded inline by the compiler (that is, if the compiler inserts the function body into the emitted Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL), rather than emitting a function call), then the assembly returned by the GetCallingAssembly method is the assembly containing the inline code. This might be different from the assembly that contains the original method. To ensure that a method that calls the GetCallingAssembly method is not inlined by the compiler, you can apply the MethodImplAttribute attribute with MethodImplOptions.NoInlining.
However, the JITter is also free to inline calls - but I think a disassembler would be the only way to verify what is and isn't done at that level.
Edit: Just to clear up some confusion in this thread, csc.exe will inline MSIL calls - though the JITter will (probably) be more aggressive in it.
[1] And, by waste - I mean that (a) that it defeats the purpose of the inlining (better performance) because of the Reflection lookup. And (b), it'd probably change the inlining behavior so that it's no longer inlined anyway. And, before you think you can just turn it on Debug builds with an Assert or something - realize that it will not be inlined during Debug, but may be in Release.
– Narcotize