As a minimal example, take this:
>>> df
2013-01-19 11,826.36 1,068.45 195.00 0.51 1.82
2013-01-20 13,062.68 1,158.71 207.58 0.52 1.75
2013-01-28 12,326.23 1,108.90 197.36 0.48 1.55
2013-01-29 11,397.52 1,038.21 184.92 0.47 1.43
And we can find the missing dates between 2013-01-19
and 2013-01-29
Method 1:
See @Vaishali's answer
Use .difference
to find the difference between your datetime index and the set of all dates within your range:
pd.date_range('2013-01-19', '2013-01-29').difference(df.index)
Which returns:
DatetimeIndex(['2013-01-21', '2013-01-22', '2013-01-23', '2013-01-24',
'2013-01-25', '2013-01-26', '2013-01-27'],
dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)
Method 2:
You can re-index your dataframe using all dates within your desired daterange, and find where reindex
has inserted NaN
And to find missing dates between 2013-01-19
and 2013-01-29
>>> df.reindex(pd.date_range('2013-01-19', '2013-01-29')).isnull().all(1)
2013-01-19 False
2013-01-20 False
2013-01-21 True
2013-01-22 True
2013-01-23 True
2013-01-24 True
2013-01-25 True
2013-01-26 True
2013-01-27 True
2013-01-28 False
2013-01-29 False
Freq: D, dtype: bool
Those values with True
are the missing dates in your original dataframe
2014-07-13 to 2014-07-19
. Similarly, there are some missing dates in between the data. Is there any way we can know what dates are missing rather than checking manually? – Phrase