I am not able to run a Apache Kafka service due to a failure while trying to start a Zookeeper instance. I have downloaded and tried it with all 3 availabe downloads at the official site. (binarys and source) When i try to start zookeeper with
./bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties
I always get the same error message:
Classpath is empty. Please build the project first e.g. by running './gradlew jar -PscalaVersion=2.11.12'
The same goes for (after starting a seperate zookeeper (not the build-in from kakfa) instance)
./bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties
I have tried it under Ubuntu 17.04 and 18.04. When i try this on a virtual machine using Ubuntu 16.04 it works.
Unfortunatly, all i found regarding this problem, was for Windows. Thank you for any help.