I've just download sublime text 2 beta 2182 under ubuntu 10.10 with Exuberant Ctags 5.8
I want to use it for c++ coding and I need some auto completition and code navigation. (I was used to eclipse with cdt)
I googled and I found ctags a cool tool that can do it, and there is a plugin support for sublime text here.
The problem is that I want create tag file from:
c++ standard lib (
std::map etc
)all classes of the framework i'm using.
Point 1 is (i think) the same of point 2, I just only have to create a tag list of std lib in my /usr/include/c++/4.4.5/
so I've downloaded the plugin and installed it, I made a taglist in this way:
$ cd /absolute_path_of_my_cpp_framework/
$ ctags -R *
I modified /home/me/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages/CTagss/CTags.sublime-settings
with this line:
"extra_tag_files" : [".gemtags", "/absolute_path_of_my_cpp_framework/tags"]
Now I open a cpp file, point the cursor on a class name of my framework and used the key binding ctrl+t ctrl+t
and nothing happened. Only this message in the bar in the bottom:
can't find "class_name"
Can someone help me?
"extra_tag_paths" : ["/absolute_path_of_my_cpp_framework/tags"]
– Venation