One of the approaches (similar to Vinnie's) is to make a local implementation of your webservice. For example, your webservice allows you to log a user in and to get a list of users online.
The webservice interface looks like this:
public interface WebService {
public LoginResponse login(String user, String pass) throws Exception;
public UsersOnlineResponse getOnlineUsers() throws Exception;
Then, we implement this interface for remote webservice which will be used in production. Remote implementation makes HTTP calls with help of HTTP client, retrieves response and parses it to an appropriate response object. Here is a fragment of it:
public class RemoteWebService implements WebService {
private AndroidHttpClient client = AndroidHttpClient.newInstance(USER_AGENT);
public LoginResponse login(String user, String pass) throws Exception {
LoginResponse response = client.execute(
createPostRequest(METHOD_LOGIN, user, pass),
new JsonResponseHandler(LoginResponse.class));
handleResponse(response); // verify response, throw exceptions if needed
return response;
For testing purposes, when webservice is not available or is being developed, we implement local webservice. Local implementation takes predefined JSON responses from assets folder and parses it to an appropriate response object. It's up to you how to implement webservice behaviour: it can be simple static responses or some random/validation-dependent responses. Here is the part of it:
public class LocalWebService implements WebService {
private Context context;
public LocalWebService(Context context) {
this.context = context;
public LoginResponse login(String user, String pass) throws Exception {
Thread.sleep(DELAY); //emulate network delay
if (validateParams(user, pass)) {
return parseAssetsJson("ws/login.json", LoginResponse.class);
} else {
Response response = parseAssetsJson("ws/status_bad_request.json", Response.class);
throw new WebServiceException(response);
public <T> T parseAssetsJson(String filename, Class<T> klass) throws IOException {
InputStream is = context.getAssets().open(filename);
return JsonParser.getInstance().fromJson(new InputStreamReader(is), klass);
Next, we want to switch between implementations painlessly. The usage of both implementations of the webservice is transparent, because we use WebService interface. So, we'll configure the WebService instance on app launch. Application class suits our needs:
public class App extends Application {
public static final boolean USE_LOCAL_WS = false;
private static WebService webService;
public static getWebService() {
return webService;
public void onCreate() {
webService = USE_LOCAL_WS ? new LocalWebService(this) : new RemoteWebService();