How should Rails named scopes be tested? Do you test the results returned from a scope, or that your query is configured correctly?
If I have a User
class with an .admins
method like:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.admins
where(admin: true)
I would probably spec to ensure I get the results I expect:
describe '.admins' do
let(:admin) { create(:user, admin: true) }
let(:non_admin) { create(:user, admin: false) }
let(:admins) { User.admins }
it 'returns admin users' do
expect(admins).to include(admin)
expect(admins).to_not include(non_admin)
I know that this incurs hits to the database, but I didn't really see any other choice if I wanted to test the scope's behaviour.
However, recently I've seen scopes being specced by confirming that they're configured correctly, rather than on the result set returned. For this example, something like:
describe '.admins' do
let(:query) { User.admins }
let(:filter) { query.where_values_hash.symbolize_keys }
let(:admin_filter) { { admin: true } }
it 'filters for admin users' do
expect(filter).to eq(admin_filter) # or some other similar assertion
Testing the direct innards of a query like this hadn't really occurred to me before, and on face value it is appealing to me since it doesn't touch the database, so no speed hit incurred.
However, it makes me uneasy because:
- it's making a black-box test grey(er)
- I have to make the assumption that because something is configured a certain way, I'll get the results that my business logic requires
The example I've used is so trivial that perhaps I'd be okay with just testing the configuration, but:
- where do you draw the line and say 'the content of this named scope is too complex and requires result confirmation tests over and above just scope configuration testing'? Does that line even exist or should it?
- Is there a legitimate/well-accepted/'best practice' (sorry) way to test named scopes without touching the database, or at least touching it minimally, or is it just unavoidable?
- Do you use either of the above ways to test your scopes, or some other method entirely?
This question(s) is a bit similar to Testing named scopes with RSpec, but I couldn't seem to find answers/opinions about testing scope results vs scope configuration.
interface: I don't care what goes on under the covers of the interface (obviously in this case, as with all Rails conventional scopes, it uses ActiveRecord), just that I get a set of results back that includes/excludes users as per how I've defined an admin user to be. I agree with you regarding testing for results on advanced queries, but I wonder how advanced is "advanced", where it becomes risky to only test on scope configuration... – Harpsichord