I have done a few implementations of HList now. One based on Daniel Spiewak's High Wizardry in the Land of Scala talk and another based on a post in Apocalisp blog. The goal was to have a heterogenous list of which is not heterogenous in the primary type but rather the higher kind. For example:
val requests = Request[String] :: Request[Int] :: HNil
I would be able to do a map across the list to perform the request and result in a heterogenous list of the higher kind. So:
should equal
String :: Int :: HNil
Sadly all my attempts have resulted in an HList of Any. Here is the code from a recent attempt:
class Request[+Out](o:Out) {
type O = Out
def v:O = o
object HList {
trait Func[-Elem,Out] {
type Apply[E <: Elem] <: Out
def apply[N <: Elem](e:N):Apply[N]
sealed trait HList[Base] {
type Head <: Base
type Tail <: HList[Base]
type Map[Out,F <: Func[Base,Out]] <: HList[Out]
def head:Head
def tail:Tail
def ::[A <: Base](a:A):HList[Base]
def map[Out,F <: Func[Base,Out]](f:F):Map[Out,F]
case class HNil[Base]() extends HList[Base] {
type Head = Nothing
type Tail = Nothing
type Map[Out,F <: Func[Base,Out]] = HNil[Out]
def head = error("Head of an empty HList")
def tail = error("Head of an empty HList")
def ::[A <: Base](a:A) = HCons(a,this)
def map[Out,F <: Func[Base,Out]](f:F) = new HNil[Out]
case class HCons[Base,A <: Base,B <: HList[Base]](head: A, tail: B) extends HList[Base] {
type Head = A
type Tail = B
type Map[Out,F <: Func[Base,Out]] = HCons[Out,F#Apply[Head],Tail#Map[Out,F]]
def ::[C <: Base](c:C) = HCons(c,this)
def map[Out,F <: Func[Base,Out]](f:F) =
val :: = HCons
object Test extends Application {
import HList._
val HNil = new HNil[Request[_]]
val list = new Request[Int](1) :: new Request[String]("1") :: HNil
val (a :: b :: HNil) = list
val y:Request[String] = b
val results = list.map[Any,Unwrap.type](Unwrap)
val i:Int = results.head
import HList._
object Unwrap extends Func[Request[Any],Any] {
type Apply[I <: Request[Any]] = I#O
def apply[N <: Request[Any]](e:N) = null.asInstanceOf[Apply[N]]
The other attempt was based on the Apocalisp version which uses fold to create a new HList and again it resulted in a HList of Any types. Any tips would be appreciated.