This is very close to this question, but I have added a few details specific to my question:
Matplotlib Plotting using AWS-EMR jupyter notebook
I would like to find a way to use matplotlib inside my Jupyter notebook. Here is the code-snippet in error, it's fairly simple:
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
I chose this snippet because this line alone fails as it tries to use TKinter (which is not installed on an AWS EMR cluster):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
When I run the full notebook snippet, the result is no runtime error but also nothing happens (no graph is shown.) My understanding on one way this can work is by adding either of the following snips:
pyspark magic notation
%matplotlib inline
unknown magic command 'matplotlib'
UnknownMagic: unknown magic command 'matplotlib'
IPython explicit magic call
from IPython import get_ipython
get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline')
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'run_line_magic'
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'run_line_magic'
to my notebook which invokes a spark magic command which inlines matplotlib plots (at least that's my interpretation.) I have tried both of these after using a bootstrap action:
EMR bootstrap
sudo pip install matplotlib
sudo pip install ipython
Even with these added, I still get an error that there is no magic for matplotlib. So my question is definitely:
How do I make matplotlib work in an AWS EMR Jupyter notebook?
(Or how do I view graphs and plot images in AWS EMR Jupyter notebook?)
instead ofpip
, in the bootstrap and give it a try. – Therefore/opt/conda/bin/conda: command not found
– Optional%
commands are IPython or Jupyter magic commands. Run%lsmagic
and check%matplotlib
is among them. If%matplotlib
is found, run%matplotlib -l
to list available backends. You can explicitly require a specific backend by running%matplotlib <backend name>
– Chyme%matplotlib
among the output of%lsmagic
, try%pylab
. It justs importsmatplotlib
. If you want help for a particular magic command try%command?
– Chyme