I've got a two-step compilation process for my web application. Firstly, I compile CoffeeScript files into JavaScript files [1]. Then the JavaScript files (both ones that come from CoffeeScript, and external ones, like produced from AngularJS templates by grunt-angular-templates
) are compiled by Google Closure Compiler [2] into a single minimized file.
CoffeeScript ---[1]---> JavaScript --[2]--\
AngularJS templates --> JavaScript ----------> single minimized JS file
other JS files -------/
Both steps [1] and [2] produce source maps.
Is it possible to combine these source maps into a single source map that would allow me to debug CoffeeScript files from a web browser that runs the minimized JS file?
In other words: let say the source map [1] is represented by a function:
f(position in CoffeeScript) = position in JavaScript
and the source map [2] is represented by a function:
g(position in JavaScript) = position in minimized JS
I'd like to get a source map which is represented by a function composition:
h(position in CoffeeScript) = g(f(position in CoffeeScript)) =
= position in minimized JS