Setup dictionary lazily
Asked Answered



Let's say I have this dictionary in python, defined at the module level (

settings = {
    'expensive1' : expensive_to_compute(1),
    'expensive2' : expensive_to_compute(2),

I would like those values to be computed when the keys are accessed:

from mysettings import settings # settings is only "prepared"

print settings['expensive1'] # Now the value is really computed.

Is this possible? How?

Johnathon answered 21/5, 2013 at 11:53 Comment(1)
the problem is that if you keep your module as is, the from mysettings import settings evaluates the content of the module, and therefore fully creates the dict.Sirmons

If you don't separe the arguments from the callable, I don't think it's possible. However, this should work:

class MySettingsDict(dict):

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        function, arg = dict.__getitem__(self, item)
        return function(arg)

def expensive_to_compute(arg):
    return arg * 3

And now:

>>> settings = MySettingsDict({
'expensive1': (expensive_to_compute, 1),
'expensive2': (expensive_to_compute, 2),
>>> settings['expensive1']
>>> settings['expensive2']


You may also want to cache the results of expensive_to_compute, if they are to be accessed multiple times. Something like this

class MySettingsDict(dict):

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        value = dict.__getitem__(self, item)
        if not isinstance(value, int):
            function, arg = value
            value = function(arg)
            dict.__setitem__(self, item, value)
        return value

And now:

>>> settings.values()
dict_values([(<function expensive_to_compute at 0x9b0a62c>, 2),
(<function expensive_to_compute at 0x9b0a62c>, 1)])
>>> settings['expensive1']
>>> settings.values()
dict_values([(<function expensive_to_compute at 0x9b0a62c>, 2), 3])

You may also want to override other dict methods depending of how you want to use the dict.

Artless answered 21/5, 2013 at 12:5 Comment(1)
Storing function and overwriting __getitem__ is smart, while I think it would be better to inherit abc.Mapping instead of build-in dict. Otherwise, it doesn't support .get(). You can check my example here

Don't inherit build-in dict. Even if you overwrite dict.__getitem__() method, dict.get() would not work as you expected.

The right way is to inherit abc.Mapping from collections.

from import Mapping

class LazyDict(Mapping):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
        self._raw_dict = dict(*args, **kw)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        func, arg = self._raw_dict.__getitem__(key)
        return func(arg)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._raw_dict)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._raw_dict)

Then you can do:

settings = LazyDict({
    'expensive1': (expensive_to_compute, 1),
    'expensive2': (expensive_to_compute, 2),

I also list sample code and examples here:

Insistence answered 9/11, 2017 at 22:36 Comment(2)
What is the advantage of inheriting abc.Mapping and overriding __iter__() and __len__() over inheriting dict and overriding only get()?Agglomeration
@Agglomeration There seems to be more than just the get() method that needs to be adapted when inheriting dict, e.g. also the pop() method. See also…Quotidian

If you don't separe the arguments from the callable, I don't think it's possible. However, this should work:

class MySettingsDict(dict):

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        function, arg = dict.__getitem__(self, item)
        return function(arg)

def expensive_to_compute(arg):
    return arg * 3

And now:

>>> settings = MySettingsDict({
'expensive1': (expensive_to_compute, 1),
'expensive2': (expensive_to_compute, 2),
>>> settings['expensive1']
>>> settings['expensive2']


You may also want to cache the results of expensive_to_compute, if they are to be accessed multiple times. Something like this

class MySettingsDict(dict):

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        value = dict.__getitem__(self, item)
        if not isinstance(value, int):
            function, arg = value
            value = function(arg)
            dict.__setitem__(self, item, value)
        return value

And now:

>>> settings.values()
dict_values([(<function expensive_to_compute at 0x9b0a62c>, 2),
(<function expensive_to_compute at 0x9b0a62c>, 1)])
>>> settings['expensive1']
>>> settings.values()
dict_values([(<function expensive_to_compute at 0x9b0a62c>, 2), 3])

You may also want to override other dict methods depending of how you want to use the dict.

Artless answered 21/5, 2013 at 12:5 Comment(1)
Storing function and overwriting __getitem__ is smart, while I think it would be better to inherit abc.Mapping instead of build-in dict. Otherwise, it doesn't support .get(). You can check my example here

Store references to the functions as the values for the keys i.e:

def A():
    return "that took ages"
def B():
    return "that took for-ever"
settings = {
    "A": A,
    "B": B,


This way, you only evaluate the function associated with a key when you access it and invoke it. A suitable class which can handle having non-lazy values would be:

import types
class LazyDict(dict):
    def __getitem__(self,key):
        item = dict.__getitem__(self,key)
        if isinstance(item,types.FunctionType):
            return item()
            return item


settings = LazyDict([("A",A),("B",B)])
that took ages
Sirup answered 21/5, 2013 at 12:4 Comment(0)

You can make expensive_to_compute a generator function:

settings = {
    'expensive1' : expensive_to_compute(1),
    'expensive2' : expensive_to_compute(2),

Then try:

from mysettings import settings

print next(settings['expensive1'])
Brightman answered 21/5, 2013 at 12:0 Comment(1)
Interesting idea, but not what I am looking for. I would really like to keep the dictionary api untouched.Johnathon

I recently needed something similar. Mixing both strategies from Guangyang Li and michaelmeyer, here is how I did it:

class LazyDict(MutableMapping):
  """Lazily evaluated dictionary."""

  function = None

  def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
    self._dict = dict(*args, **kargs)

  def __getitem__(self, key):
      """Evaluate value."""
      value = self._dict[key]
      if not isinstance(value, ccData):
          value = self.function(value)
      self._dict[key] = value
      return value

  def __setitem__(self, key, value):
      """Store value lazily."""
      self._dict[key] = value

  def __delitem__(self, key):
      """Delete value."""
      return self._dict[key]

  def __iter__(self):
      """Iterate over dictionary."""
      return iter(self._dict)

  def __len__(self):
      """Evaluate size of dictionary."""
      return len(self._dict)

Let's lazily evaluate the following function:

def expensive_to_compute(arg):
  return arg * 3

The advantage is that the function is yet to be defined within the object and the arguments are the ones actually stored (which is what I needed):

>>> settings = LazyDict({'expensive1': 1, 'expensive2': 2})
>>> settings.function = expensive_to_compute # function unknown until now!
>>> settings['expensive1']
>>> settings['expensive2']

This approach works with a single function only.

I can point out the following advantages:

  • implements the complete MutableMapping API
  • if your function is non-deterministic, you can reset a value to re-evaluate
Superinduce answered 10/4, 2020 at 16:4 Comment(0)

I would populate the dictionary values with callables and change them to the result upon reading.

class LazyDict(dict):
    def __getitem__(self, k):
        v = super().__getitem__(k)
        if callable(v):
            v = v()
            super().__setitem__(k, v)
        return v

    def get(self, k, default=None):
        if k in self:
            return self.__getitem__(k)
        return default

Then with

def expensive_to_compute(arg):
    print('Doing heavy stuff')
    return arg * 3

you can do:

>>> settings = LazyDict({
    'expensive1': lambda: expensive_to_compute(1),
    'expensive2': lambda: expensive_to_compute(2),

>>> settings.__repr__()
"{'expensive1': <function <lambda> at 0x000001A0BA2B8EA0>, 'expensive2': <function <lambda> at 0x000001A0BA2B8F28>}"

>>> settings['expensive1']
Doing heavy stuff

>>> settings.get('expensive2')
Doing heavy stuff

>>> settings.__repr__()
"{'expensive1': 3, 'expensive2': 6}"
Quotidian answered 15/4, 2020 at 8:10 Comment(0)

Alternatively, one can use the LazyDictionary package that creates a thread-safe lazy dictionary.


pip install lazydict


from lazydict import LazyDictionary
import tempfile
lazy = LazyDictionary()
lazy['temp'] = lambda: tempfile.mkdtemp()
Preciousprecipice answered 15/4, 2021 at 8:9 Comment(0)

pass in a function to generate the values on the first attribute get:

class LazyDict(dict):
  """ Fill in the values of a dict at first access """
  def __init__(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):
    self._fn = fn
    self._fn_args = args or []
    self._fn_kwargs = kwargs or {}
    return super(LazyDict, self).__init__()
  def _fn_populate(self):
    if self._fn:
      self._fn(self, *self._fn_args, **self._fn_kwargs)
      self._fn = self._fn_args = self._fn_kwargs = None
  def __getattribute__(self, name):
    if not name.startswith('_fn'):
    return super(LazyDict, self).__getattribute__(name)
  def __getitem__(self, item):
    return super(LazyDict, self).__getitem__(item)

>>> def _fn(self, val):
...   print 'lazy loading'
...   self['foo'] = val
>>> d = LazyDict(_fn, 'bar')
>>> d
>>> d['foo']
lazy loading
Nowlin answered 24/7, 2020 at 20:46 Comment(0)

Adding this solution: leveraging the __missing__ attribute of dict’, which if set for a dict, will be invoked on missing keys; effectively a cache loading pattern.

Below is a type-aware implementation - which is not necessary, but nice to have. In the OP's submission, one could easily initialize with a simple dispatch function of their choice. This offers maximum flexibility with little overhead.

from typing import Dict, TypeVar, Callable

_KT = TypeVar("_KT")
_VT = TypeVar("_VT")

class LoadingDict(dict[_KT, _VT]):
  def __init__(self, fn: Callable[[_KT], _VT], **kwargs):
    if not callable(fn):
      raise TypeError(type(fn))
    self._fn = fn

  def __missing__(self, key: _KT) -> _VT:
    if not isinstance(key, self.__orig_class__.__args__[0]):
      raise ValueError(type(key))
    self[key] = v = self._fn(key)
    return v

#### Usage

d = LoadingDict[str, int](len, **{"1": -1})

assert d["1"] == -1
assert d["xxx"] == 3
assert d["xxxx"] == 4
Terenceterencio answered 14/12, 2023 at 19:33 Comment(0)

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