I've spent a few hours at this but i'm beaten. Please see below a stripped down version of my code that contains anything that should be relevant at all to my problem. I just can't get the test_dot scene to spawn. It's a Node2d with (only) a sprite2d if that's relevant. I've read the official docs for 2d spawning but I'm beat!
` extends Node2D
@export var test_dot: PackedScene
func _ready():
var test_dot = preload("res://test_dot.tscn")
for i in range(10):
for ii in range(20):
var test_dot_instance = test_dot.instance() # <--------- error here
test_dot.global_position = Vector2(i, ii)
Error message is "Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'instance' in base 'PackedScene'."