My development team is using ASP.NET 3.5 / 4.0 right now, and our sites are running on IIS 7.5. Recently, we've been having problems (about once a week) that are causing Out of Memory exceptions to be thrown in our ASP.NET applications. The "Solution" is to restart the application pool on our website. I say "Solution" because it's hardly a solution; it's more of a bandage that's just keeping our application pool running at a reasonable state. It seems to me that some application or many applications are leaking memory, which is building up over time and causing the out of memory exception. While I can set IIS to periodically restart the application pool, I'd rather know how I can detect the memory leaks in order to attempt the fix the program rather than keep applying band-aids. Are there any tools out there that can possibly detect and log memory leaks for ASP.NET applications?
Also, we really started seeing more of this problem when we switched to using Telerik's RAD controls. Has anyone else had problems similar to this using these controls?