When I try to extract a string from a larger string it gives me a range or index out of bounds error. I might be overlooking something really obvious here. Thanks.
NSString *title = [TBXML textForElement:title1];
TBXMLElement * description1 = [TBXML childElementNamed:@"description" parentElement:item1];
NSString *description = [TBXML textForElement:description1];
NSMutableString *des1 = [NSMutableString stringWithString:description];
//search for <pre> tag for its location in the string
NSRange match;
NSRange match1;
match = [des1 rangeOfString: @"<pre>"];
match1 = [des1 rangeOfString: @"</pre>"];
NSString *newDes = [des1 substringWithRange: NSMakeRange (match.location+5, match1.location-1)]; //<---This is the line causing the error
UPDATE: The 2nd part of the range is a length, not the endpoint. D'oh!