I have the following four tests and the last one hangs when I run it. Why does this happen:
public void CheckOnceResultTest()
public async void CheckOnceAwaitTest()
Assert.IsTrue(await CheckStatus());
public async void CheckStatusTwiceAwaitTest()
Assert.IsTrue(await CheckStatus());
Assert.IsTrue(await CheckStatus());
public async void CheckStatusTwiceResultTest()
Assert.IsTrue(CheckStatus().Result); // This hangs
Assert.IsTrue(await CheckStatus());
private async Task<bool> CheckStatus()
var restClient = new RestClient(@"https://api.test.nordnet.se/next/1");
Task<IRestResponse<DummyServiceStatus>> restResponse = restClient.ExecuteTaskAsync<DummyServiceStatus>(new RestRequest(Method.GET));
IRestResponse<DummyServiceStatus> response = await restResponse;
return response.Data.SystemRunning;
I use this extension method for restsharp RestClient:
public static class RestClientExt
public static Task<IRestResponse<T>> ExecuteTaskAsync<T>(this RestClient client, IRestRequest request) where T : new()
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<IRestResponse<T>>();
RestRequestAsyncHandle asyncHandle = client.ExecuteAsync<T>(request, tcs.SetResult);
return tcs.Task;
public class DummyServiceStatus
public string Message { get; set; }
public bool ValidVersion { get; set; }
public bool SystemRunning { get; set; }
public bool SkipPhrase { get; set; }
public long Timestamp { get; set; }
Why does the last test hang?
async void
unit test methods at all; they simply won't work. However, NUnit does. That said, I agree with the general principle of preferringasync Task
overasync void
. – Grunenwaldasync void
tests are not supported. Which makes kind of sense, as the test runner has to wait for the test to complete, which isn't possible forasync void
, only if you actually get a task. – Sclerotomyasync void
method completes, which was the technique used by NUnit. If they no longer supportasync void
, then I agree with that decision. – Grunenwald