I am trying to reverse geocode a large data-set (around 100k). I used the revgeocode
function from the package ggmap
. I got the result for 1 entry
48 Grand View Terrace, San Francisco,
CA 94114, USA
48 Grand View Terrace Eureka Valley San Francisco
San Francisco County California United States
postal_code postal_code_suffix
, but I need to automate the process and use it for the entire data-set.
I tried
r <- lapply(revgeocode(location = (c(z$lon),c(z$lat)),
output = "more",
messaging = FALSE, sensor = FALSE, override_limit = FALSE,
client = "", signature = ""))
and got the errors for unexpected ',' in each step.
I tried to write the following loop too
r <- for(i in 1:10){
revgeocode(location = ("z$lon", "z$lat"),output = "more", messaging = FALSE, sensor = FALSE, override_limit = FALSE,client = "", signature = "")}
and got similar errors
Please provide some material or helpful links that will help me to write the loop for reverse geocoding. How to verify the authenticity of the data?