In the above sample JSON I want to add a property called "Name" with Value "John" inside property "TestData". How can I achieve this using .net Core 3.0 System.Text.Json library.
I have tried using methods of Utf8JsonWriter but it is creating a new JSON object instead of appending it to the above existing JSON.
using (MemoryStream memoryStream1 = new MemoryStream())
using (Utf8JsonWriter utf8JsonWriter1 = new Utf8JsonWriter(memoryStream1))
using (JsonDocument jsonDocument = JsonDocument.Parse(json))
// how can I add above properties to JsonDocument object??
, as you do, add the new attribute, and then write it out with JsonDocument.WriteTo(). – OgiveJsonDocument
is read-only. There is an open issue Writable Json DOM #39922 tracking this. Related but not duplicate: Modifying a JSON file using System.Text.Json. – Laktasic