Static means there is one per class, rather than one per object. This is true for both methods and variables.
A static field would imply that there is one such field, no matter how many objects of that class are created. Please take a look at Is there a way to override class variables in Java? for the question of overriding a static field. In short: a static field cannot be overridden.
Consider this:
public class Parent {
static int key = 3;
public void getKey() {
System.out.println("I am in " + this.getClass() + " and my key is " + key);
public class Child extends Parent {
static int key = 33;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Parent x = new Parent();
Child y = new Child();
Parent z = new Child();
I am in class tools.Parent and my key is 3
I am in class tools.Child and my key is 3
I am in class tools.Child and my key is 3
Key never comes back as 33. However, if you override getKey and add this to Child, then the results will be different.
@Override public void getKey() {
System.out.println("I am in " + this.getClass() + " and my key is " + key);
I am in class tools.Parent and my key is 3
I am in class tools.Child and my key is 33
I am in class tools.Child and my key is 33
By overriding the getKey method, you are able to access the Child's static key.