I would like to elaborate on Peter Cordes answer.
In bash, setup an image on a loopback device with ext4, then write a file to it named binary.bin
sudo umount $mountDir ## make sure nothing is mounted here
dd if=/dev/zero of=$imageName bs=1M count=10
mkfs.ext4 $imageName
loopdev=$(sudo losetup -P -f --show $imageName); echo $loopdev
mkdir $mountDir
sudo mount $loopdev $mountDir
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER mount
echo "2ed99f0039724cd194858869e9debac4" | xxd -r -p > $mountDir/binary.bin
sudo umount $mountDir
in python3 (since bash struggles to deal with binary data) search for the magic binary data in binary.bin
import binascii
with open("faulty.img", "rb") as fd:
s = fd.read()
search = binascii.unhexlify("2ed99f0039724cd194858869e9debac4")
find = s.find(search, beg); beg = find+1; print(find)
start_sector = find//512; print(start_sector)
then back in bash mount the faulty block device
start_sector=## copy value from variable start_sector in python
size=$(($(wc -c $imageName|cut -d ' ' -f1)/512))
echo -e "0\t$start_sector\tlinear\t$loopdev\t0" > fault_config
echo -e "$start_sector\t1\terror" >> fault_config
echo -e "$next_sector\t$len\tlinear\t$loopdev\t$next_sector" >> fault_config
cat fault_config | sudo dmsetup create bad_drive
sudo mount /dev/mapper/bad_drive $mountDir
finally we can test the faulty block device by reading a file
cat $mountDir/binary.bin
which produces the error:
cat: /path/to/your/mount/binary.bin: Input/output error
clean up when you're done with testing
sudo umount $mountDir
sudo dmsetup remove bad_drive
sudo losetup -d $loopdev
rm fault_config $imageName