is incredibly useful on collections, but javascript does not provide one while having Array.prototype.map
. Why?
Is there any way to emulate flatMap
in javascript in both easy and efficient way w/o defining flatMap
is incredibly useful on collections, but javascript does not provide one while having Array.prototype.map
. Why?
Is there any way to emulate flatMap
in javascript in both easy and efficient way w/o defining flatMap
Update: Array.prototype.flatMap
made it into ES2019
It is widely supported in many environments. See if it works in your browser using this snippet below -
const data =
[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
console.log(data.flatMap(x => Array(x).fill(x)))
// [ 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
"Why no Array.prototype.flatMap in javascript?"
Because programming isn't magic and every language doesn't have features/primitives that every other language has. What matters is JavaScript gives you the ability to define it on your own -
const concat = (x,y) =>
const flatMap = (f,xs) =>
xs.map(f).reduce(concat, [])
const xs = [1,2,3]
console.log(flatMap(x => [x-1, x, x+1], xs))
Or a rewrite that collapses the two loops into one -
const flatMap = (f, xs) =>
xs.reduce((r, x) => r.concat(f(x)), [])
const xs = [1,2,3]
console.log(flatMap(x => [x-1, x, x+1], xs))
If you want it to extend the Array.prototype
, nothing is stopping you -
if (!Array.prototype.flatMap) {
function flatMap (f, ctx) {
return this.reduce
( (r, x, i, a) =>
r.concat(f.call(ctx, x, i, a))
, []
Array.prototype.flatMap = flatMap
const ranks =
[ 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A' ]
const suits =
[ '♡', '♢', '♤', '♧' ]
const result =
ranks.flatMap(r =>
suits.flatMap(s =>
[[r, s]]
// [ ['J','♡'], ['J','♢'], ['J','♤'], ['J','♧']
// , ['Q','♡'], ['Q','♢'], ['Q','♤'], ['Q','♧']
// , ['K','♡'], ['K','♢'], ['K','♤'], ['K','♧']
// , ['A','♡'], ['A','♢'], ['A','♤'], ['A','♧']
// ]
), or even better use ES6 symbols, instead of simply defining Array.prototype.flatMap
. –
Algometer map
defined as global function! Second is just bad practice –
Jacki append
, map
, filter
, foldl
, foldr
among countless others in the default namespace. It doesn't make it a bad practice because you heard someone say "globals are bad" or "extending natives is bad" - racket is amongst the best designed languages. You just don't know how/when to do it appropriately. –
Snowstorm ;(()=>{/* that code */})();
Gainless iter.map(func)
in JavaScript which is infix notation, popular with object-oriented style. In functional style, prefix notation like map(func, iter)
or map(iter, func)
are more common. Many popular functional languages put the "most important thing" last to enable easier function composition and partial function application. –
Snowstorm flatMap
has been approved by the TC39 as part of ES2019 (ES10). You can use it like this:
[1, 3].flatMap(x => [x, x + 1]) // > [1, 2, 3, 4]
Here's my own implementation of the method:
const flatMap = (f, arr) => arr.reduce((x, y) => [...x, ...f(y)], [])
? i want to flatten my map, not flap it! –
Colicroot I know you said you didn't want to define it yourself, but this implementation is a pretty trivial definition.
There's also this from the same github page:
Here is a bit of shorter way using es6 spread, similiar to renaudtertrais's - but using es6 and not adding to the prototype.
var flatMap = (a, cb) => [].concat(...a.map(cb))
const s = (v) => v.split(',')
const arr = ['cat,dog', 'fish,bird']
flatMap(arr, s)
Would either of these help?
It should be noted (thanks to @ftor) that this latter "solution" suffers from "Maximum call stack size exceeded" if called on a really large (e.g., 300k elements) array a
[].concat(...(new Array(300000).fill("foo").map(x => x.toUpperCase())))
. Sure, it's a corner case. But you should at least mention it. –
Tacky Lodash provides a flatmap function, which to me is practically equivalent to Javascript providing it natively. If you're not a Lodash user, then ES6's Array.reduce()
method can give you the same result, but you have to map-then-flatten in discrete steps.
Below is an example of each method, mapping a list of integers and returning only the odds.
_.flatMap([1,2,3,4,5], i => i%2 !== 0 ? [i] : [])
ES6 Reduce:
[1,2,3,4,5].map(i => i%2 !== 0 ? [i] : []).reduce( (a,b) => a.concat(b), [] )
One fairly concise approach is to make use of the Array#concat.apply
const flatMap = (arr, f) => [].concat.apply([], arr.map(f))
console.log(flatMap([1, 2, 3], el => [el, el * el]));
I did somthing like this:
Array.prototype.flatMap = function(selector){
return this.reduce((prev, next) =>
(/*first*/ selector(prev) || /*all after first*/ prev).concat(selector(next)))
[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]].flatMap(i => i); //[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
[{subarr:[1,2,3]},{subarr:[4,5,6]},{subarr:[7,8,9]}].flatMap(i => i.subarr); //[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
We now have a flatMap()
in Javascript! And it is supported pretty well
The flatMap() method first maps each element using a mapping function, then flattens the result into a new array. It is identical to a map() followed by a flat() of depth 1
const dublicate = x => [x, x];
console.log([1, 2, 3].flatMap(dublicate))
{ "message": "Uncaught TypeError: [1,2,3].flatMap is not a function", "filename": "https://stacksnippets.net/js", "lineno": 15, "colno": 23 }
Ribaudo Array.prototype.flatMap()
has now arrived in JS. However, not all browser might support them check for the current browser compatibility the Mozilla web docs.
What the flatMap()
method does is first maps each element using a callback function as argument, then flattens the result into a new array (the 2d array is now 1d since the elements are flattened out).
Here is also an example of how to use the function:
let arr = [[2], [4], [6], [8]]
let newArr = arr.flatMap(x => [x * 2]);
© 2022 - 2024 — McMap. All rights reserved.
arr.reduce((arr, v) => (arr.push(...v), arr), [])
? – Hosieryarr.map(...).reduce(...)
). – Hosiery.map
ping it. – ClingflatMap
-like functionality via existing js functions. e.g. something like[1, 2, 3].flatMap(x => [x, x]).flatten()
. Except a) there is noflatten
b) it is ineffective and c) it could be shorter – Jacki