.ie - Internet Explorer (All versions)
.ie10 - Internet Explorer 10.x
.ie9 - Internet Explorer 9.x
.ie8 - Internet Explorer 8.x
.ie7 - Internet Explorer 7.x
.ie6 - Internet Explorer 6.x
.ie5 - Internet Explorer 5.x
.gecko - Firefox (all versions), Camino, SeaMonkey
.ffxx - Firefox xx (change xx with number of specific version) new
.ff4 - Firefox 4.x
.ff3 - Firefox 3.x
.ff2 - Firefox 2.x
.opera - Opera (All versions)
.opera12 - Opera 12.x
.opera11 - Opera 11.x
.opera10 - Opera 10.x
.opera9 - Opera 9.x
.opera8 - Opera 8.x
.konqueror - Konqueror
.webkit - Safari, NetNewsWire, OmniWeb, Shiira, Google Chrome
.chrome - Google Chrome (All versions)
.chromexx - Chrome xx (change xx with number of specific version) new
.safari - Safari (All versions) new
.iron - SRWare Iron
.[OS code].[Browser code] .yourclass { padding-left:5px; font-size:14px }
body { background-color:#000 }
.ie8 body {background-color:#111 } (Specific for Internet Explorer 8.x)
.win.ie8 body { background-color:#222 } (Specific for Internet Explorer 8.x, on Microsoft Windows all versions)
.opera body { background-color:#333 } (Opera all versions)
.ff15 body { background-color:#444 } (Specific for Firefox 15.x)
.linux.gecko body { background-color:#555 } (Firefox, Camino, SeaMonkey all versions, on x11 and Linux )
.ie7 #right, .ie7 #left { width:320px }
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