The following method adds days one by one, skipping weekends, for positive values of workdays
public LocalDate add(LocalDate date, int workdays) {
if (workdays < 1) {
return date;
LocalDate result = date;
int addedDays = 0;
while (addedDays < workdays) {
result = result.plusDays(1);
if (!(result.getDayOfWeek() == DayOfWeek.SATURDAY ||
result.getDayOfWeek() == DayOfWeek.SUNDAY)) {
return result;
After some fiddling around, I came up with an algorithm to calculate the number of workdays to add or subtract.
* @param dayOfWeek
* The day of week of the start day. The values are numbered
* following the ISO-8601 standard, from 1 (Monday) to 7
* (Sunday).
* @param businessDays
* The number of business days to count from the day of week. A
* negative number will count days in the past.
* @return The absolute (positive) number of days including weekends.
public long getAllDays(int dayOfWeek, long businessDays) {
long result = 0;
if (businessDays != 0) {
boolean isStartOnWorkday = dayOfWeek < 6;
long absBusinessDays = Math.abs(businessDays);
if (isStartOnWorkday) {
// if negative businessDays: count backwards by shifting weekday
int shiftedWorkday = businessDays > 0 ? dayOfWeek : 6 - dayOfWeek;
result = absBusinessDays + (absBusinessDays + shiftedWorkday - 1) / 5 * 2;
} else { // start on weekend
// if negative businessDays: count backwards by shifting weekday
int shiftedWeekend = businessDays > 0 ? dayOfWeek : 13 - dayOfWeek;
result = absBusinessDays + (absBusinessDays - 1) / 5 * 2 + (7 - shiftedWeekend);
return result;
Usage Example:
LocalDate startDate = LocalDate.of(2015, 11, 26);
int businessDays = 2;
LocalDate endDate = startDate.plusDays(getAllDays(startDate.getDayOfWeek().getValue(), businessDays));
System.out.println(startDate + (businessDays > 0 ? " plus " : " minus ") + Math.abs(businessDays)
+ " business days: " + endDate);
businessDays = -6;
endDate = startDate.minusDays(getAllDays(startDate.getDayOfWeek().getValue(), businessDays));
System.out.println(startDate + (businessDays > 0 ? " plus " : " minus ") + Math.abs(businessDays)
+ " business days: " + endDate);
Example Output:
2015-11-26 plus 2 business days: 2015-11-30
2015-11-26 minus 6 business days: 2015-11-18