In my development environment I have two servers. One sends and image to the other over a POST
http request.
Client server does this:
fs.readFile(rawFile.path,'binary',function (err, file){"",{
data: file,
"Content-Type": rawFile.type,
res.send("file went through")
The server that recieves the request does this:'/',function(req,res,next){
if(err) throw err;
If i send a small image it works fine. However, if i send a large image although the file is saved correctly only the first upper portion of the image is displayed. The rest is black. Image size is correct.
I guess it's just the first chunk of the image that's being written on the file.
I've tried creating a readStream
and a writeStream
but it doesn't seem to work:
Can i stream directly from the binary data and pipe
it into the file? For what i've seen, readStream
is often used to stream from files not raw binary data.
I read a few posts but it doesn't seem to work for me.
I'm using restler
module in the client server and restify
in the other.