Rapheal's solution does work. However, I would propose altering the solution to support the claim that the grouping is in fact stable.
As it stands now, calling grouped()
will return a grouped array but subsequent calls could return an array with groups in a different order, albeit the elements of each group will be in the expected order.
internal protocol Groupable {
associatedtype GroupingType : Hashable
var groupingKey : GroupingType? { get }
extension Array where Element : Groupable {
typealias GroupingType = Element.GroupingType
func grouped(nilsAsSingleGroup: Bool = false) -> [[Element]] {
var groups = [Int : [Element]]()
var groupsOrder = [Int]()
let nilGroupingKey = UUID().uuidString.hashValue
var nilGroup = [Element]()
for element in self {
// If it has a grouping key then use it. Otherwise, conditionally make one based on if nils get put in the same bucket or not
var groupingKey = element.groupingKey?.hashValue ?? UUID().uuidString.hashValue
if nilsAsSingleGroup, element.groupingKey == nil { groupingKey = nilGroupingKey }
// Group nils together
if nilsAsSingleGroup, element.groupingKey == nil {
// Place the element in the right bucket
if let _ = groups[groupingKey] {
} else {
// New key, track it
groups[groupingKey] = [element]
// Build our array of arrays from the dictionary of buckets
var grouped = groupsOrder.flatMap{ groups[$0] }
if nilsAsSingleGroup, !nilGroup.isEmpty { grouped.append(nilGroup) }
return grouped
Now that we track the order that we discover new groupings, we can return a grouped array more consistently than just relying on a Dictionary's unordered values
struct GroupableInt: Groupable {
typealias GroupingType = Int
var grouping: Int?
var content: String
var a = [GroupableInt(groupingKey: 1, value: "test1"),
GroupableInt(groupingKey: 2, value: "test2"),
GroupableInt(groupingKey: 2, value: "test3"),
GroupableInt(groupingKey: nil, value: "test4"),
GroupableInt(groupingKey: 3, value: "test5"),
GroupableInt(groupingKey: 3, value: "test6"),
GroupableInt(groupingKey: nil, value: "test7")]
// > [[GroupableInt(groupingKey: 1, value: "test1")], [GroupableInt(groupingKey: 2, value: "test2"),GroupableInt(groupingKey: 2, value: "test3")], [GroupableInt(groupingKey: nil, value: "test4")],[GroupableInt(groupingKey: 3, value: "test5"),GroupableInt(groupingKey: 3, value: "test6")],[GroupableInt(groupingKey: nil, value: "test7")]]
print(a.grouped(nilsAsSingleGroup: true))
// > [[GroupableInt(groupingKey: 1, value: "test1")], [GroupableInt(groupingKey: 2, value: "test2"),GroupableInt(groupingKey: 2, value: "test3")], [GroupableInt(groupingKey: nil, value: "test4"),GroupableInt(groupingKey: nil, value: "test7")],[GroupableInt(groupingKey: 3, value: "test5"),GroupableInt(groupingKey: 3, value: "test6")]]