I got the following Aspect
@Around("execution(public * (@DisabledForBlockedAccounts *).*(..))" + " && @annotation(denyForTeam)")
public Object translateExceptionsDenySelectedAccount(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp, Deny deny) throws Throwable
Account account = (Account) pjp.getArgs()[0];
Account selectedAccount = (Account) pjp.getArgs()[1];
if (ArrayUtils.contains(deny.value(), account.getRole()))
if (account.getType().equals(Type.CHEF) && !selectedAccount.getType().equals(Type.CHEF))
throw new IllegalAccessException("");
return pjp.proceed();
and this Annotation:
public @interface DenyForTeam
Role[] value();
I get the error:error Type referred to is not an annotation type: denyForTeam
Why is DenyForTeam no Annotation? It is marked with @interface