I want to use the parameter place holder - e.g. ?1 - with the % wild cards. that is, something like: "u.name LIKE %?1%" (though this throws an error). The docs have the following two examples: 1.
// Example - $qb->expr()->like('u.firstname', $qb->expr()->literal('Gui%'))
public function like($x, $y); // Returns Expr\Comparison instance
I do not like this as there is no protection against code injection.
// $qb instanceof QueryBuilder
// example8: QueryBuilder port of: "SELECT u FROM User u WHERE u.id = ?1 OR u.nickname LIKE ?2 ORDER BY u.surname DESC" using QueryBuilder helper methods
$qb->select(array('u')) // string 'u' is converted to array internally
->from('User', 'u')
$qb->expr()->eq('u.id', '?1'),
$qb->expr()->like('u.nickname', '?2')
->orderBy('u.surname', 'ASC'));
I do not like this because I need to search for terms within the object's properties - that is, I need the wild cards on either side.
$value = '\\'
? – Agave